Fathers Day Forgiveness Circle 2020

Why Father's Day Is a Time to Heal

Father's Day is meant to be a celebration but it often serves as a painful reminder of the neglect, abandonment, or abuse sons and daughters have experienced at the hand of the father figure in their lives.

These father wounds result in deep seated fears embedded in the brain. Those fears play out in our actions as the brain subconsciously defends itself from experiencing the same pain over again. The result for 68% of men in the church has been habitual pornography use resulting in bondage, broken marriages and fathers perpetuating the very same neglect on their sons that had led them to this place to begin with.

This is a healing session. Using the Breakthrough Shadow Coaching method, you will be led through an Internal Process to support your ongoing process of forgiveness.

Sunday, June 21st from 4:00-5:30 pm MST


  • Be Guided through a Forgiveness Internal Process
  • Identify your Highest Vision for your Life
  • Uncover who you most need to forgive in order to achieve that vision
  • Release the energetic cord of resentment that's been holding you back
  • Gain clarity on your next powerful action steps towards your Highest Vision.




Forgiveness of yourself, or others.

Forgiveness is not "one and done", it is an ongoing, intentional process that opens us up to greater levels of healing and emotional freedom.

In keeping with our Solstice Visioning theme, Forgiveness is the hallway from the past to the future. In order to move powerfully forward in our Vision, we must sever the karmic cord to unresolved past relationships and trauma.

And it feels so good to let all of that go, and gather all of our available energy for re-creation.